
1156 products

    1156 products
    What did you think was going to happen when you filled the feeder with lasagna?
    Filled the Feeder with Lasagna Cartoon Print
    from $49.95
    Bird, with menu under its wing, on a bird feeder.
    Bird Maitre D Cartoon Print
    from $49.95
    Bob tells me you hunt. (Two men talk in living room, one has talons for feet.)
    Bob Tells Me You Hunt Cartoon Print
    from $49.95
    I'm not spending another cent on birdseed. (Couple discussing their birdhouse at which a bird delivers pizza.)
    Not Another Cent on Birdseed Cartoon Print
    from $49.95
    It's early so I'll just have the worm. (Bird ordering in restaurant.)
    I'll Just Have the Worm Cartoon Print
    from $49.95
    "My advice is to learn all the tricks you can while you're young." (Older dog gives advice to a younger dog.)
    While You're Young T-Shirt
    from $28.95
    What I don't get is why once we fly south we don't just stay there. (Migrating bird to another.)
    Why Don't We Just Stay There? Cartoon Print
    from $49.95
    C'mon guysÑbirds gotta fly. (One bird talking to others.)
    Birds Gotta Fly Cartoon Print
    from $49.95
    Yes, as far as I know, songbirds write their own material. (Father talking to his young daughter.)
    Songbirds Write Their Own Material Cartoon Print
    from $49.95
    Hey, I built the nest.  You feather it. (One bird to another.)
    I Built the Nest...You Feather It Cartoon Print
    from $49.95
    Man and woman bird-watching look at bird house filled with ferns and houseplants.
    Bird House-plants Cartoon Print
    from $49.95
    Who ever told you you could sing? (One bird to another on a branch.)
    Whoever Told You I Could Sing? Cartoon Print
    from $49.95
    Of course I love youÑI'm programmed to love you. I'm a goddam lovebird. (One bird to his mate.)
    Of Course I Love You Cartoon Print
    from $49.95
    Entering New York City - Take your medication now.
    Entering New York City...Take Your Medication Now Mug
     "These voices inside your head -- do they ever tell you to pay your bill?"
    Voices Inside Your Head Mug
     A La Carte -- Therapy where a placard lists a menu of options, e.g. Sitting and Listening $150 per 45 minutes.
    A La Carte Therapy Mug
     "I did seize the day. But then it seized me right back and used some kind of jujitsu move to flip me on my ass."
    The Day Seized Me Mug
    YouÕve got to want to connect the dots, Mr. Michaelson. (Therapist talking to numbered, dotted outline of patient, lying on couch.)
    You've Got to Want to Connect the Dots Mug
     "I'm a social scientist, Michael. That means I can't explain electricity or anything like that, but if you ever want to know about people I'm your man. (Father,sitting in a chair and holding the paper, to his young son who's looking up at him.)
    I'm A Social Scientist Mug
     "Then again, we are what we eat." (Psychiatrist says to squirrel lying on couch.)
    We Are What We Eat Mug
     "We're fighting likeÑwell, we're fighting." (Couple seeing marriage counselor; husband is a dog, wife is a cat.)
    Fighting Like Cats & Dogs Mug
     "I wish I'd started therapy at your age." (Psychiatrist to baby lying on his couch.)
    I Wish I'd Started Therapy At Your Age Mug
     "I wouldn't call you crazy. But only because nobody uses that word anymore."
    I Wouldn't Call You Crazy Mug
     At an airport, a driver holds up a Rorshach ink blot, and a bearded therapist responds.
    Rorschach Mug
    A couple who have just been married, walk through a door with confetti being thrown at them, into a therapist's office.
    Honeymoon Therapy Mug
     "The thing is, you have to really want to change."
    You Have Really Want to Change Mug
     (Pumpkin psychiatrist treats a witch who is lying on a couch.)
    Pumpkin Psychiatrist Mug
     "I sense fear." (Dog psychiatrist talking to man on couch.)
    I Sense Fear Mug
     (Man's dream begins like a movie with a list of the cast: "Monster..Your Father, Kind Woman..,.Your Mother/ Policeman..Your Analyst/ First Stranger...Your Brother/ Second Stranger...Your Sister/ Little Boy...You")
    Cast of Dream Mug
     Mob Psychologist: "So, while extortion, racketeering, and murder may be bad acts, they don't make you a bad person." (Psychologist to mobster in therapy session.)
    Mob Psychologist Mug
     "Don't you think we should wait to see the effects of the new tax code?"
    Tax Code Proposal Mug
     I don't want to brag, but I have a loophole named after me.'
    Loophole Named After Me Mug
    Of course I have my soft side. I carry photos of my loved ones in my wallet. This one is of my accountant.
    Photos of My Loved Ones Mug
     A man with a giant sweepstakes check for a billion dollars is followed by a man with a giant 1040 form.
    Grand Prize Winner Mug
     Title: "Rhinestone Accountant"
    Rhinestone Accountant Mug
     "What should you do? Here's what you should do: invent a time machine, go back sixteen months, and convert everything to cash." (An economic consultant at his desk addresses a couple in his office. )
    Invent a Time Machine Mug
     "Does anyone know C.P.A.?" (One pedestrian to others about man lying on sidewalk covered by pieces of paper.)
    Does anyone know C.P.A.? Mug
     "Daddy doesn't know any magic tricks. Daddy knows accounting tricks." (Father talking to son dressed in a magician's costume.)
    Daddy Knows Accounting Tricks Mug
     "I'm a Schedule D kind of guy with a little Schedule E thrown in." (Man to woman in restaurant.)
    Schedule D Kind of Guy Mug
     Dave And His Common-Law Accountant, Phil (Man in apartment with accountant.)
    Common-Law Accountant Mug
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